Friday, July 14, 2006

How Inconvenient

Went on FRED the show today to talk about the movie "An Inconvenient Truth".

I'm not an environmentalist, or an activist or an expert on climate science. (And I said so at the top of the interview.) I'm just a concerned citizen, armchair scientist and parent of two kids that's scared silly about the kind of world that my children will be living in. The idea was that I'd come on, discuss the movie a bit with the host (Robert T. Nash in this case, cause el Jefé was having lunch with the Governor), and take some calls.

I was really surprised by the pure venom that almost all of the callers sent my way. I had no political agenda, no candidate to push, I was just looking to discuss the movie on its merits.

Fortunately, taking apart an argument like, "Electric cars didn't work 30 years ago, so Hybrid cars will NEVER work!" is easier than shooting a brain-dead fish in a barrel. Frankly, it was fun....

"The caller makes an excellent point... Technology NEVER advances. Why, my cell phone used to weigh 5 lbs and today it, um, well, it fits inside a pocket, inside my pocket. But the caller is right, hybrid and electric car technology will, be forever stuck in the 1970s."

Another caller, pointed out that science really couldn't be trusted, and the data presented in the movie was mostly lies because of that.

I told him he was right. Science has never done ANYTHING to improve our lives. I also informed him that he should pull over immediately and throw his cell phone away. I'm not sure if he hung up or had a bad connection. Probably a bad connection. Because, you know, science made that cell phone.

Like I said, big fun!



Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Interesting stuff .. I'm not sure how, but Mr. Gore's movie has finally made it to my little corner of the world this week . I'm going to see it today and really looking forward to it

3:30 AM  

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